SkillUp Lab

SkillUp Lab is an interactive course platform and organization that is working to create an open-source course community around Transformative Justice practices and methodologies.

Myself and an engineering partner were commissioned by The New School, Interrupting Criminalization, and Social Environmental Entreprenuers foundation to create a web-based course system that supported custom, interactive learning experiences for course participants.

My Contributions:

  • Pitched & sold project

  • Design discovery (interviews & discussion)

  • Wireframe iteration

  • UI Design

  • Front-end development of client-side application

  • User-testing and continual iteration & enhancement

Composable Course Components

I designed a basic course component system that could support administrators’ need to publish courses from any number of learning modules (e.g. header and text blocks, helper tips, media, drag-and-drop lists, form elements, bespoke custom components, and more).


I designed an initial set of wireframes to establish a shared perspective with the client for how the users would experience courses, and then we further refined in UI design, and iterated features in code.


Gamalon Visual Identity


One Million Experiments